Tag Archives: Communication technology

Topic: Performance Appraisals Authors, Title and Publication Zhang, X., & Venkatesh, V. (2013). Explaining employee job performance: The role of online and offline workplace communication networks. MIS Quarterly, 37(3), 695-A3. Summary This study focused on the role technology plays in influencing employees’ performance and examined different communication technologies used for creating and maintaining employee social … Continue reading Explaining Employee Job Performance: The Role of Online and Offline Workplace Communication Networks

Topic: Employee Interpersonal Communication; Digital Communication in the Workplace Authors, Title and Publication Sias, P. M., Pedersen, H., Gallagher, E. B., & Kopaneva, I. (2012). Workplace friendship in the electronically connected organization. Human Communication Research, 38(3), 253-279. Summary This study examined information communication technologies and workplace friendship dynamics. The literature has identified two primary types … Continue reading Workplace Friendship in the Electronically Connected Organization