Tag Archives: change management

This summary is provided by the IPR Organizational Communication Research Center Summary Understanding employees’ reactions to change is critical for successful change management, as these reactions can have a profound impact on individual and organizational outcomes. During a planned organizational change, change agents (individuals who make an effort to improve a system’s functioning) consciously communicate … Continue reading Undergoing Organizational Change? How to Turn Change Resistance Into Readiness

Author(s), Title and Publication Venus, M., Stam, D., & van Knippenberg, D. (2018). Visions of change as visions of continuity. Academy of Management Journal. doi: 10.5465/amj.2015.1196 Summary Previous conceptions of visions of change have implied that effective visions motivate change by breaking with the past, promoting a new future, discouraging current identities and promoting new future … Continue reading Visions of Change as Visions of Continuity

Author(s), Title and Publication Petrou, P., Demerouti, E., & Schaufeli, W. B. (2016). Crafting the change: The role of employee job crafting behaviors for successful organizational change. Journal of Management, DOI: 10.1177/0149206315624961. Summary Though it is widely recognized that organizational change communication is the most effective strategy to improve employee adjustment to change, little is … Continue reading Crafting the Change: The Role of Employees During an Organizational Change

Topic: Employee Communication Behavior and Organizational Change Author(s), Title and Publication Schwarz, G. M., Watson, B. M., & Callan, V. J. (2011). Talking up failure: How discourse can signal failure to change. Management Communication Quarterly, 25(2), 311-352. Summary This study explored how employees in different groups talked about technological change in their organization, and how … Continue reading Talking up failure: How discourse can signal failure to change

Topic: Best Practices in Internal Communication Author(s), Title and Publication Young, M., & Post, J. E. (1993). Managing to communicate, communicating to manage: How leading companies communicate with employees. Organizational Dynamics, 22(1), 31-44. Summary This study is built on the idea that internal communication processes are an important ingredient in successful change, and understanding best … Continue reading Managing to communicate, communicating to manage: How leading companies communicate with employees